Are your worries stopping you from getting things done?
Category: Communicating with yourself

Do you ever find yourself worrying so much about what might happen that you end up not doing the things you want to or not enjoying what you do because you’re worrying?
Do your worries take over and stop you from speaking up, getting stuff done or stepping out from the shadows?
If you spend time considering the “what if’s” in life … you know the sort of thing … ‘What if I’m late for the meeting’, ‘what if there’s an accident on the way’, ‘what if everyone laughs at me’ … then you might find this exercise helpful.
Don’t get me wrong, planning ahead is a good thing!
But there is a difference between preparing for a variety of outcomes and working out what you can do to improve them … versus worrying about the elements that you can do nothing about. One is a practical worry while the other is a hypothetical one.
So, the exercise is …
- Write down the things that are worrying you and allocate a time of the day when you allow yourself time to worry.
- At the allotted time, take your list and cross off any that are no longer relevant (For example … you were worried about speaking to Alison but she has come to your desk and spoken to you already)
- Identify which are hypothetical worries (there might be an accident which could delay me) and practical (I don’t know how to use that software).
- Do something about the practical worries; work out the steps you need to take to be able to use the software … perhaps, go on YouTube, get training or ask a colleague.
- Take practical steps to minimise the hypothetical worries where you can … such as building in extra journey time in case of unexpected delays.
- If no more practical steps can be taken, leave the hypothetical worry to review again tomorrow.
I’ve found that this has worked for me and a number of my clients … it might work for you too.
And if you want practical help to look and sound more confident (if you haven’t already) sign up for my 21 tips to better presentations or better still, contact me now!