Step Out

Are you unintentionally undermining your own communication?

Are you unintentionally undermining your own communication?

Have you ever walked away from a conversation feeling unheard or unconvincing? Maybe you noticed people’s eyes glazing over as...

How to handle a monopoliser when networking

How to handle a monopoliser when networking

You may be aware that I spend a good chunk of my marketing budget on attending networking events. Over the...

Which came first … your thought or your posture?

Which came first … your thought or your posture?

January isn’t my favourite month of the year! It is a month full of good intentions, dark nights and empty...

Make sure you have space in life for your big rocks.

Make sure you have space in life for your big rocks.

Stephen Covey relays a story in his book “7 Habits of Highly effective People” about how important it is to...

How specific can you be when you’re looking for connections?

How specific can you be when you’re looking for connections?

I had the great pleasure to attend the Business Buzz conference recently where Andy Lopata was the speaker. He spoke...

How do you react if you aren’t being listened to?

How do you react if you aren’t being listened to?

You will have read in previous articles on here about how the art of listening is key for good communication....

Too scared to present? You’re not alone.

Too scared to present? You’re not alone.

According to a survey by YouGov, 49% of British adults are scared of public speaking. It’s slightly higher for women...

How good are you at giving instructions?

How good are you at giving instructions?

You know what you are doing and why but does everyone else? Have you ever felt you appear to be...

Do they even speak my language?

Do they even speak my language?

These were the words that my client said in sheer frustration when talking about their newly appointed member of staff....

Are you one of those who doesn’t speak up in case you don’t know the answer?

Are you one of those who doesn’t speak up in case you don’t know the answer?

Not long ago I was working with a client whose problem wasn’t with the presentation itself but more with what...

Is the language of listening undermining your credibility?

Is the language of listening undermining your credibility?

Your body language can change the way that others hear what you are saying and I saw this first hand...

Are you standing too close?

Are you standing too close?

When others invade our personal space we find it uncomfortable. And what I’m talking about here is the amount of...
