
Here is the video and template that I talked about in the book.
You can also get access to the First Impression Video’s here
The video here shows you a technique to help you really listen. I refer to it in Chapter 8 when I talk about using the telephone. But remember, this technique works when speaking face to face, on line or over the phone. Just remember not to move your lips!
Rapid Repeat Video
The template is very simple to complete.
I recommend that you pick no more than 3 things to start doing and no more than 2 things you will stop doing at anyone time. See how you get on and don’t forget to reflect on what you are doing as I describe in Chapter 10.
If you have any questions or you are finding it difficult to achieve your goals, sign up for the monthly Q&A sessions that I run on the last Monday evening of the month. I will do what I can to help you there and then or point you in the right direction.
And just in case you need it … here is the seven – eleven breathing exercise for you to practice before you really need it!

7/11 breathing exercise
This exercise works on getting deep-rooted breathing which causes stimulation of the part of your nervous system responsible for relaxation. If you are tense it will show in your voice and body language; when relaxed you can deal with any situation more effectively.
This is ideally done when you are sitting quietly with your eyes closed but it can be done almost anywhere.
- Sit down and if possible close your eyes for a little while.
- Become aware of your breathing.
- Breathe in to the count of 7.
- Breathe out to the count of 11.
- You can hold for a couple of seconds at the bottom of the out breath if that's comfortable for you.
- Repeat 3 times.